Hello Everyone!
Welcome to the official production blog for the Gloversville Performing Arts Center’s Summer 2013 production of “Shrek: The Musical”! Until today, this was a private resource for our IndieGoGo campaign donors who helped us raise $2000, all of which went to production costs. As we have now reached opening night, however… it’s time to let you ALL enjoy this exclusive peek behind the scenes!
My name is Kay & my company, PacKay Productions, has been responsible for the design and creation of the 3D puppet effects on this show- specifically, Gingy, Dragon and Lord Farquaad’s legs! I have also been maintaining this blog on the side. Gotta say that it’s quite exciting for me to open this content up for the general public at long last.
So, what content is there, you may ask?
We have blog entries about the construction of Dragon and Gingy. We have rehearsal photos. Also, we have *lots* (and I mean LOTS) of interview videos. I sat down with Marc Christopher (Shrek), Caralivia Levanti (Fiona), Roderick Halsey (Donkey), Austin Kadle (Farquaad), Barb Fisher Rivera (our director) and my Dragon puppeteer team (Sonny Duross, Genevieve Aldi + myself). These are all here for viewing OR just reading in the transcripts.
(Though if at all possible, I strongly recommend watching the videos. There are a few hidden gems in there that were specifically kept out of transcription.)
And the fun ain’t over yet! Now that the show is in performance, we can bring you glimpses BACKSTAGE. (Oooo….)
For instance– a special glance into Marc’s awesome painting skills!
What Fiona doesn’t realize is, we had taken the liberty of putting her profile up on Match.com. If this Shrek dude hadn’t come along, we had BronieBoi9021_Ohh! all lined up for her.
So come see the show & keep checking back here for a ridiculous amount of fun to come!
Dragonly Yours,
[stream flv=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Caralivia.flv img=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/interviews.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]
Caralivia: Caralivia Levanti… and I’m Princess Fiona.
(Yet) Another EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes video from the GLOVE Performing Arts Center and PacKay Productions
Kay: So, I’ve been starting everyone off with the same question: tell me about you and Shrek… well, not necessarily about you and Shrek in character yet…
Caralivia: [slyly] Me and Shrek… is that what you want to know? Mmm-hmm…
Kay: Your background with it. Like… had you seen the movie?
Caralivia: I had seen the movie. Actually, in Mayfield, where I went to school, it was like “Oh, we have the day off? Let’s watch Shrek.” Our Drama Club would see a show every summer, and the one I saw when I was graduating was Shrek: The Musical. And it had Brian Darcy James and Sutton Foster… so I supped when “I Know it’s Today” came out, like… [weeps]
[clip of “I Know it’s Today”]
Caralivia: I feel like Fiona because she’s been stuck in a room, like, a single room, for almost her entire life… I kinda relate to that because I’ve always just been a loner, doing art stuff, in my room, and just letting my imagination go wild. So when I’m actually in public, there’s no filter… Fiona’s very much the same way. So when she finally gets out of the castle, she’s like “WOOHOO!!!” So she’s kind of like, “This is how we do it by the book…” [cringes] Does not compute… [waves hands jerkily] She also does The Robot a lot in her room.
[clip of “This Is How A Dream Comes True”]
[Marc Christopher and Caralivia are sitting together]
Kay: What’s it like working together, kids? I know you’ve worked together before…
Marc: Well…
Kay: You can just give me the dirt. It’s OK—noone’s going to watch this.
[everyone laughs]
Marc: [burps]
Kay: Yeah, that’s sexy… right there…
Caralivia: [burps] I can’t wait to be green, and have my big, bulbous nose, and then sing “This Is My Story”. That’s another one of my favorite moments.
[clip of “This Is My Story”]
[stream flv=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Roderick.flv img=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/interviews.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]
Roderick: I’m Roderick Halsey, and I play The Donkey!
Another EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes video from
the GLOVE Performing Arts Center and PacKay Productions
[clip of “Why Me?”]
Kay: What are you discovering about Donkey as a character?
Roderick: He’s very annoying. Very ADHD and… don’t tell my wife—she might say we have similarities. Yeah, he’s always seeking attention, especially Shrek’s attention.
[clip of “Don’t Let Me Go”]
Roderick: And he loves Dragon.
Kay: Gee… I think she loves him back.
[clip of Roderick kissing the Dragon puppet during rehearsal]
Kay: Now I’ve gotta clean it!
Roderick: I really like the… [imitates Aretha Franklin] “Come on BABY…”
Kay: As we lift every Motown song ever written…
Roderick: I believe Berry Gordy was somewhere behind this…
[clip of “Forever”]
Kay: This is also your first time on stage!
Roderick: Yeah, it is.
Kay: How’s that felt?
Roderick: Um… man! Like, nerve-wracking because I’m constantly, you know… everybody else is like, “I’ve got my lines”, and they’ll tell you I’m in the back with my book open like it’s The Bible just talking to myself in the air… “Oh, my God, I’ve got to sing, and then, wait! After I get through singing, what’s the next line that comes in? Oh, my God, what is it?”
For the record? When asked about Roderick’s performance as a “newcomer” to theater, his costars said…
Marc Christopher (Shrek): Roderick! He is the coolest kid!
Genevieve Aldi (The Wicked Witch/Dragon’s Wings): He is bloody hilarious!
Jenni Nicolella (The Sugar Plum Fairy/Gingy): Hilarious!
Barb Fisher-Rivera (The Director): He’s absolutely amazing! I say “Be off book at this time” and he’s off book at that time.
Marc: He comes here as a new… like a noob. He’s a big theater noob. But he really stepped up. He’s got this character perfectly. It’s funny—he’s a natural.
Jenni Nicolella: I tell everyone… I’m like, “Come see the play… not because of me, but because you will laugh your butt off!”
Yeah. You might say we love our Donkey. And we know you will, too.
[a series of rehearsal clips with memorable Donkey lines]
Roderick: Man! What is wrong with you!
Roderick: Oh!!! You both have layers!
Roderick: [screams]
[clip of the end of “Travelling Song”]