“A Dragon! A Dragon! I swear I saw a Dragon!”

… MAJOR brownie points to anyone who knows which old Disney movie today’s post title is referencing. I’d send actual brownies, but that’s ONE thing an exclusive production blog hasn’t quite perfected yet- edible entries.

Anyway, the time has come to talk about the largest member of our SHREK family!



While the prospect of creating Gingy was the FIRST thing to attract me to this project, DRAGON was… the most daunting. But I mean that in the most excellent way possible. As the great Brian May of the rock band Queen once said:

“Fat-Bottomed Girls, you make the rockin’ world go ’round.”

Errr. Wrong quote.

“Most of the things that are worthwhile in life are scary.”

Yes. That’s the one! The challenge of building a giant Dragon puppet fit the bill on both counts. Scary, but abso-freakin-lutely worthwhile!

Time for a quick moment of personal disclosure: when I was in fourth grade, my friends and I decided to dress as a large 4 person ‘Box Dragon’ for Halloween. Basically, we each designed our own section and stapled ’em together with lengths of fabric. When we weren’t getting stuck in doorways and tripping over floor mats, we were the hit of the Lincoln Elementary School parade! And, heck, if you stepped in for a closer look, you got the added bonus of seeing just how hard we rocked that glitter glue, Crayola markers and crayon look!


Swag, baby. Swag.


Not pictured: Fire and the general
populace fleeing for their lives.

I should probably back up now and assure you that, no, we’re not simply hauling that old sucker out of mothballs (lovely as it may be…)

See, I’ve learned a lot since 1993. 20 years ago, (dear lord) when my mother hatched that design, she might have been working with simple materials, but I picked up an important lesson from her. Namely- if you have an idea, BUILD IT. As a kid, my parents never once ran out to the corner drug store and bought a costume. Mom made ’em all. In fact, her mom was the same way. Grandma Barber had quite an impressive home crafting & sewing space too, so I suppose, in a way, PacKay Productions is a continuation of what I’ve been surrounded by my entire life: ridiculous creativity!

For those keeping their stat sheets up to date, Dragon went from a simple 6 foot sketch with limited “mechanisms” to…. 16 feet. 3 puppeteers. Flapping wings. Blinking eyes.


No limits. 🙂




Posted in Fairytale Pack Posts

Production Vids: Team Dragon

[stream flv=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Team-Dragon.flv img=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/interviews.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]



Posted in Duloc Pack Posts

Production Vid Transcripts: Team Dragon


Sonny: My name is Sonny Duross and I’m playing Pinocchio in Shrek: The Musical.


Another EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes video from the GLOVE Performing Arts Center and PacKay Productions

Sonny Duross as Pinocchio

[clip of Pinochio’s arrival in the swamp]

Kay: What do you think of Pinocchio?

Sonny: Pinocchio is… me… I am Pinocchio. That is what’s going on.

Kay: That’s all you need to know.

[more of the clip of Pinochio’s arrival in the swamp]

Sonny: Then, earlier this year, they were all, like, “We’re going to do Shrek: The Musical” and I was like “WHAAAAAT?!?!?”

[Sonny looks down]

Sonny: Hey, look! A quarter!

Yeah, the rest of the interview went on pretty much like that…

Sonny: I think I smell pretty good.

And that. What say we get a lady in ‘ere to class the joint a bit?

Genevieve: Hi, I am Genevieve Aldi, and I am The Wicked Witch! And she sounds like this!


Genevieve Aldi as The Wicked Witch

Genevieve: This is, actually, my first full show at The Glove. [regarding Shrek] As far as the musical, I’d never seen the musical, so I have no familiarity with… I knew one existed… and I knew the plotline, because it’s kind of like Shrek the movie… but I didn’t know the music, I didn’t know much about the characters, other than Shrek and Fiona… I knew there were lots of fairy-tale creatures, of which I am now one.

[clip from the musical number “Story of my Life”]

But what do a Wicked Witch and a Very Handsome (Nice Spelling) “Real Boy” have in common?

[Clip of Sonny, Genevieve and Kay working a skeletal puppet of Dragon]

Kay: We just finished blocking this morning. How are we feeling?

Sonny: I’m feeling nice and tight in my abdominal region…

[the three crack up]


Meet “Team Dragon!”

Kay: There are too many jokes…

Vocals & Head:
Kay Koch

Genevieve Aldi

Sonny Duross

Genevieve: I think she means about the choreography…

Sonny: Oh! Oh! Um, well…

Kay: This is just because of the way you are. This isn’t even because the camera’s on. This should be clear: this is just the way Sonny is.

Genevieve: This is just LIFE.

Sonny: [about the choreography] There’s no holes in it… it’s like, straight…

Kay: We’re always moving!

Genevieve: Yeah…

Kay: We’re always moving…

Genevieve: But then there are parts where we go around and around… and around nd around…

All Three: and around and around…

Kay: There was the joke: take it from “around and around”…

Sonny and Genevieve: Which one?

[clip of the three of them rehearsing “Forever”]

Kay: What’s really great about both of you guys is… do you have any puppeteering experience?

Genevieve: [shakes head]

Sonny: When I was in elementary school, I made sock puppets…

Kay: Hey, it’s somewhere to start. But it’s the willingness to just jump in and try things, especially with you, since I’ve given you so much physicality with the tail.

Sonny: I’m a bunny. I’m a Sonny Bunny: I just hop to it.

Kay: He’s up and down and all around because I’ve put a big three-foot pipe on his back for the tail.


[more of the clip of the three of them rehearsing “Forever”]

Kay: What would be funny is, with Sonny hitting people with tails, will be having this interview later on with Roderick after we’ve practiced wrapping Donkey up in the tail and bringing him around…

Genevieve: So how do you feel about that?

Kay: So how do you feel about getting the *snot* kicked out of you by a three-person dragon?

Coming Soon:
Donkey’s “rebuttal”?
(*cough, cough*)


Shrek: The Musical

– performances –

July 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 at 8PM
July 21 at 2PM

(518) 773-8255

or via OvationTix



Posted in Fairytale Pack Posts



I can hear you out there, swaying slowly in your hammock in the back yard while the grill sizzles and the ice slowly melts in your tall glass of lemonade. You’re asking me:

“Kay, c’mon! Where are more of those cast interviews, maaaan?”

They’re comin’! They’re comin’! Do you know just how ding-dang hard it is to get an Ogre, a Princess, a Donkey, a fun-size Farquaad and a Dragon all in one room??!

… yeah. I didn’t either. But I’m working on it!

Coming soon to a GPAC Shrek Production Blog near you…

Caralivia Levanti / FIONA
Austin Kadle / FARQUAAD
Roderick Halsey / DONKEY
Jenni Nicolella / GINGY
Kay (+ Sonny Duross & Genevieve Aldi) / DRAGON

Aaand just to prove we have interviews on the way… a random image manipulation to brighten up your Wednesday!

Marc, Cara, Roderick and Austin in a parody of Beatles album art.

Shrek, Fiona, Donkey and… Farquaad?



Posted in Fairytale Pack Posts

Production Vids: Marc Christopher as Shrek

[stream flv=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Marc-1.flv img=x:/shrek.packay.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/interviews.jpg embed=false share=false width=640 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false responsive=16:9 /]



Posted in Duloc Pack Posts

Production Vid Transcripts: Marc Christopher as Shrek


Marc: [laughs] My name is Marc Christopher, and I’m playing the role of Shrek!

marc as shrek

An EXCLUSIVE behind the scenes video from the GLOVE Performing Arts Center and PacKay Productions

Marc Christopher as Shrek

[clip of Mark rehearsing the scene where Shrek declares he’s going to see Lord Farquaad to get all the fairytale creatures out of his swamp]

Marc: It’s been a challenge—it’s a totally different character than I usually play.  I usually play villains; I’m a big villain person.  This is the first time I’ve actually played the title role, so this is a new first for me.  Finding the character… the first challenge I think I overcame was the accent.  That was the hardest part: the accent.

[clip of Marc and Roderick (Donkey) rehearsing the “Ogres have layers” scene]

My favorite scene is… it has to be “I’ve Got You Beat”. I am the kind of person who likes fart jokes, so I hear a fart… I just start laughing.  It is very funny! Just the sound of it: I’m like, “Why does it make that sound?” [laughs]

Kay: Well, we could go into the technicalities of the sphincter…

[clip of Marc singing “Big Bright Beautiful World”… and farting]

Marc: I have to say, this has to be the most costumed show…

Kay: “Costume heavy,” yeah…

Marc: It is so heavy. But it’s come together.

Kay: And, you know, makeup!

Marc: Makeup!

Kay: You’re looking forward to that day…

Marc: Yeah! Actually, I’m looking forward to seeing what’s going to happen with that. I’m really excited.

[clip of Marc singing “Who I’d Be”]

 [on the original Dreamworks workshop production of Shrek: the Musical] There was an open-call audition for it—I saw it on YouTube—they were trying to find a “nobody” to play Shrek? I was, like, “I need to audition!” But I didn’t. But I made a vow that I would play the role… one of these days… on my “bucket list”, the top was “Shrek”.

[clip of Marc singing more of “Who I’d Be”]

Shrek: The Musical

– performances –

July 19, 20, 25, 26, 27 at 8PM
July 21 at 2PM

(518) 773-8255

or via OvationTix



Posted in Fairytale Pack Posts